Neuroonko-Update 2025
Datum: Freitag 17. Jänner 2025
Ort: Wyndham Grand Konferenz Zentrum, Fanny-von-Lehnert-Straße 7, 5020 Salzburg
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Neuroonko-Update 2024
Datum: Freitag 19. Jänner 2024
Ort: Wyndham Grand Konferenz Zentrum, Fanny-von-Lehnert-Straße 7, 5020 Salzburg
Neuroonko-Update 2023
Datum: Freitag 20. Jänner 2023
Ort: Wyndham Grand Konferenz Zentrum, Fanny-von-Lehnert-Straße 7, 5020 Salzburg
Neuroonko-Update 2022
Datum: Freitag 25. März 2022 (Der ursprüngliche Termin 14. Jänner wurde auf den 25. März 2021 verlegt)
Ort: Wyndham Grand Konferenz Zentrum, Fanny-von-Lehnert-Straße 7, 5020 Salzburg
All webinars are free of charge, open to everyone and most of them CME accredited.
Registration is open ( and we are very pleased to announce that for all webinars we could win and excellent faculty to present new developments in neuro-oncology to the audience!
Die Vortragsreihe ist im geschützten Mitgliederbereich der Website abrufbar.
Klicken Sie auf den Menüpunkt INTERN und geben das Passwort ein.
Zur Förderung der neuroonkologischen Fortbildung werden ab dem 15.1.2021 drei Videovorträge zu sehr aktuellen Themen Online für die Dauer von 6 Monaten für alle SANO-Mitglieder auf die SANO-homepage gestellt:
1. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martha Nowosielski, PhD: „SNO-Highlights 2020“.
2. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Hainfellner: „Neuerungen in der kommenden 5. Edition der WHO-Hirntumor-Klassifikation “.
3. Assoc.-Prof. PD Dr. Anna Bergmeister-Berghoff: „Targeted Therapie und Immuntherapie bei Hirnmetastasen“.
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First Series of eEANO Webinars!
Book now for the eEANO webinars
To join us for our eEANO webinars you need to login with your EANO membership details and book for the event. Once
registered you will receive a confirmation email with dial in details for the webinar.
(If not a current member, you are very welcome to join our association for details see Opens external link in new
All webinars, unless otherwise announced, are CME accredited, free of charge and for EANO members only.
We are looking forward to welcome you as participant to one of our upcoming eEANO webinars!
If you have any questions or issues with login or registration please contact:
First Series of eEANO Webinars!
Please click to the Link: EANO-webinar or visit: Meetings & Events: eEANO Webinars
First Vienna Pediatric Brain Tumor Symposium “Next-generation diagnostics and treatment”
5th October 2020, Van Swieten Saal, Medical University of Vienna Van-Swieten-Gasse 1a, 1090 Vienna and on livestream on YouTube
The meeting takes place under the auspices of the Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) of the Medical University of Vienna and Vienna General Hospital. New findings and approaches with internationally well-known experts such as Mariella Filbin and Marcel Kool will be discussed.
Attached please find the preliminary program.
The admission to the First Vienna Pediatric Brain Tumor Symposium is free and registration is required:
Please register on
If you decide to take part online, the organiser will be happy to send you the meeting link in time before the event.
Save the date for the EANO 2020 Meeting, September 10-13, Glasgow, UK
Abstract submission and registration will open January 2020!
EANO Winter School 2020, “Advances in Neuro-Oncology : how to translate into clinic” March 12-14, Warsaw Poland, further information on application and detailed programme can be found online at
Application deadline: November 30, 2019
The EANO Winter School aims to provide an update on the recent advances in the pathogenesis and management of CNS tumors with particular attention devoted to the application in the clinical practice. The educational event will include lectures and case-based workshops, and is aimed to attract scientists, physicians and healthcare professionals involved in diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors.
The main target group are young EANO Youngsters, especially junior staff from all over Europe.
SANO Neuroonko-Update 2020
Highlights in Neurooncology 2020
10. Jänner 2020, Salzburg
EANO 2019, 14 th Meeting
September 19-22, 2019 in Lyon/ France
Brain Metastasis research symposium
Highlights in Neurooncology
28.-29. Juni 2019
Meduni Wien
SANO Neuroonko-Update 2019
Highlights in Neurooncology
11. Jänner 2019, Salzburg
EANO Winter School 2018
"Complications of primary and secondary brain tumors: prophylaxis, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up"
March 16-17, 2018, Athens/ Greece
Application is open!
Neuroonko-Update 2018
Highlights in Neurooncology
19. Jänner 2018, Salzburg
Joint Meeting AINO/SANO
November 26-29, 2017 Trento/Italy
Neuroonko-Update 2017
Highlights in Neurooncology 2016
20. Jänner 2017, Salzburg
5th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology (WFNOS)
4.-7. Mai 2017
Kongresshaus Zürich, Zurich (SWITZERLAND)
12th Meeting of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO)
12.-16. Oktober 2016
Congress Center Rosengarten, Mannheim (GERMANY)
Neuroonko-Update 2016
Highlights aus der Neuroonkologie 2015
29. Jänner 2016, Salzburg
2015 SNO Annual Meeting and Education Day
November 19 - 22 2015, San Antonio, Texas
European Cancer Congress 2015 (ECC 2015)
25 Sep - 29 Sep 2015, Vienna, Austria
7th Swiss neuro-oncology meeting
2nd joint meeting with the Swiss Glioma Network (SGN)
1st joint meeting with the Society of Austrian Neurooncology (SANO)
17-19 September 2015, Rorschach, Switzerland
II International Symposium on Clinical and Basic Investigation in Glioblastoma
September 9-12 2015
27-28 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey
Neuroonko Update 2015
„Highlights in der Neuroonkologie“
23. Jänner 2015, Salzburg
SNO Meeting 2014
13.-16. November 2014, Miami, FL
11th EANO Congress
9.-12. Oktober 2014, Turin, Italien
4th Annual Brain Metastases Research
and Emerging Therapy Conference2014
September 19 & 20, 2014
Marseille, France
Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium meeting 2014
"Brain tumor epidemiology – a hub within multidisciplinary neuro-oncology"
8.-11. September 2014, Wien
Sehr geehrte Mitglieder der SANO!
Wir möchten Sie darauf aufmerksam machen, dass die SANO zwei Tageskarten für das
„Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium (BTEC) 2014“ (Wien, 8.-11.09.2014) Meeting
zur Verfügung stellt.
Bitte entnehmen Sie alle Informationen den beigefügten Dokumenten.
SANO BTEC Grant-2014
SANO & CCC Symposium
Zeit: 09.05.2014, 10-16.30 Uhr
Ort: Aula des Uni Campus Altes AKH, Spitalgasse 2-4, 1. Hof, 1090 Wien
Organisation: Matthias Preusser und Markus Raderer
NeuroOnko UpDate 2014
Highlights und Kontroversen in der Neuroonkologie
Zerebrale Metastasen
10. Jänner 2014, Salzburg
Programm & Information